From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Fri Nov 28 11:32:37 2014


Subject: making contact

Importance: Normal


Greetings Keith,


I received info about the AEA conference and the Kick It campaign via the New Economy Coalition. I am a longtime sustainable economics advocate, consultant, speaker and writer. Most recently I've been working with a number of states and internationally on strategies for going Beyond GDP. I am also the current First Lady of Oregon and have been under heavy media attack and systems resistance due to my non-conformist approach. I would be happy to talk with you about your work and mine to see if there may be opportunities to collaborate. I have known about, and been a fan of, Adbusters for many years but have not directly engaged them for some time.


Let me know if this is of interest to you.






Cylvia Hayes

CEO, 3EStrategies
