From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Fri Dec 26 12:46:52 2014

To: Jan Murdock

Subject: Re: Your calendar

Importance: Normal


Thanks Jan.


I will plan on making the dinner with JK and Gerry and put a hold on the film awards slot.


As for additional I am booked the following:





Cylvia Hayes

CEO, 3EStrategies




From: Jan Murdock <>

Date: Friday, December 26, 2014 11:05 AM

To: Cylvia Hayes <>

Subject: Your calendar





Good morning:

I’ve attached a copy of your FLO calendar for January as well as a copy of your paper calendar for January.


Please review both of them and let us know if you have set any personal meetings (since you last gave us a copy) that should be added to your FLO calendar as “busy” so that we are not double booking dates.

Please note that the Governor and Gerry Frank are scheduled to have dinner in Portland the evening of January 8th and they are hoping that you will be able to join them. Please let me know if you will attend so that Mr. Frank’s assistant can make the reservations.

I’ve also put a hold on your calendar on January 6th at 6 pm. Vince Porter is working to confirm the Oregon Film awards reception that evening immediately following the OBC Leadership Summit reception.

When Mike and Mary are back in the office on Monday, we will get a meeting set for the four of us to talk scheduling.


When are you planning to return to Salem?



Jan L. Murdock

Personal Assistant to Governor Kitzhaber

900 Court Street, NE, Suite 254

Salem, Oregon 97301-4047

(503) 378-3111