Sent: Mon Mar 14 10:04:06 2011

To: Cylvia Hayes

Subject: FW: Spouses' Roster/NGA Listservs

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 2011 Spouses Roster.doc;


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From: Lim, Marcia [mailto:MLim@NGA.ORG]

Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 5:33 PM

To: OR Mary Rowinski

Cc: Guilford, Nikki; Amberman, Christie; Sandridge, Nelle

Subject: Spouses' Roster/NGA Listservs

Greetings all,

It was great to see so many governors' spouses (veterans and newcomers) and accompanying staff at our recent NGA Winter Meeting here in Washington, DC! As many of you expressed a strong interest in communicating with peers and staying in touch, I am attaching an updated copy of our in-house roster of governors' spouses (and principal staff).

(Please note NGA maintains this as a confidential roster and distributes this list only to governors' spouses and their staff.)

NGA's Listserv for Governors' Spouses' Staff

NGA has established a listserv for governors' spouses' principal staff (including spouses' chiefs of staff, executive assistants and residence managers and other residence staff). This has proven to be a very useful and popular communication vehicle for spouses' staff nationwide to share information and obtain advice and "best practices" in a timely manner. Instructions for participating in this listserv are provided below.

Posting a Question on the NGA Listserv for Governors' Spouses' Staff

Governors' Spouses Chiefs of Staff/Assistants can send an email to:

Residence Managers or other Residence Staff can send an email to:

Our listserv for spouses’ staff is “moderated,” which means all postings come to NGA first, and then we re-broadcast the posting to the entire listserv membership. We always assume you wish to remain anonymous in your postings, unless you tell us otherwise.

NGA's Listserv for Governors' Spouses

NGA also has created a “non-moderated” listserv for governors’ spouses. The non-moderated listserv allows spouses to personally post questions/comments to their colleagues. NGA staff does not oversee the postings and thus, the spouses' postings are automatically broadcast and appear as they are written and submitted.

[Note: If your governor's spouse is interested in participating in the Spouses' Listserv, please forward his/her email address to Christie Amberman (email: to be added to the listserv distribution list.]

Posting a Question on the NGA Listserv for Governors' Spouses

Governors' Spouses can send an email to:

Please contact me or my OMCT colleagues if you have questions or if we may be of assistance. Thanks so much for sharing this information with your governor's spouse. Warm regards, Marcia

Marcia Lim

Governors' Spouses' Program Director

Office of Management Consulting and Training (OMCT)

National Governors Association

444 N. Capitol Street NW, Suite 267

Washington, D.C. 20001

(202) 624-7810


NGA Office of Management Consulting & Training (OMCT)

Listserv for Governors' Spouses Staff (Spouses' Assistants and Residence Managers)

Spouses' Assistants can post questions/comments to subscribed members by sending an email to:

Residence Managers can post questions/comments to subscribed members by sending an email to:

(The Spouses Staff listserv is moderated; submitted messages are first received by the NGA moderator and then posted on the listserv.)

For more information on OMCT resources:


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