Sent: Mon Mar 14 10:18:24 2011

To: Cylvia Hayes

Subject: FW: Casey Family Programs Info - Follow-up to NGA Winter Meeting

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Checklist for Partnering.pdf; National Map - Rate of Care.pdf; Safe Reduction State Data.pdf;


From: Lim, Marcia [mailto:MLim@NGA.ORG]

Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 5:58 PM

To: OR Mary Rowinski

Cc: Golonka, Susan

Subject: Casey Family Programs Info - Follow-up to NGA Winter Meeting

Dear Spouses' Chiefs of Staff and Assistants,

I'm forwarding a message from my colleague, Susan Golonka, as a follow-up to our NGA Winter Meeting Spouses' Program session, addressing "Innovative Partnerships to Support Spouses' Initiatives." Thank you also for sharing this information with your governor's spouse. Warm regards, Marcia

Marcia Lim

Governors' Spouses' Program Director

National Governors Association

(202) 624-7810


As a follow-up to the session on Innovative Partnerships held during the Spouses' Program at the NGA Winter Meeting, attached are electronic copies of handouts that were provided by Casey Family Programs. These are:

1) a "Checklist for Governors' Spouses: Partnering with Philanthropy,"

2) a map showing placement rates of children in out-of-home care (foster care), and

3) an information sheet with key state data points on children in foster care.

For those of you who did not attend, it was a very informative session on how spouses can engage, partner with and receive support from the philanthropic sector for their initiatives.

During the session, David Sanders, Executive Vice President of Casey Family Programs (an operating foundation focused on safely reducing the number of children in foster care) indicated that Casey would be willing to provide support of up to $10,000 to First Spouses' Initiatives focused on improving outcomes for children in foster care or at-risk of entering care. The attached "Checklist" provides some examples of possible initiatives but they are very willing to discuss and brainstorm with you about these or other ideas. If you're interested, please contact David Sanders at or 206-378-4655. For more information about Casey Family Programs go to:

Additionally, the NGA Center will soon be issuing an RFP for states to participate in a Three Branch Institute on Adolescents in Foster Care. We’ll let you know when the RFP is released in case you want to encourage your state to apply.

Finally, please feel free to contact me at or 202-624-5967 if you would like any additional information or have questions.

Best Regards.


Susan Golonka

Program Director for Human Services

NGA Center for Best Practices

(202) 624-5967


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