From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Wed Mar 27 19:21:41 2013

To: 'Beverly Stein'; 'Duncan Wyse'; ''; 'John Tapogna'; 'WOLF Greg * GOV'

Cc: 'LEE Robert * HCS'; 'Lauren Beeney'

Subject: RE: Conversation with NWAF ALL GOOD!

Importance: Normal


As for budget, bear in mind I need $75k for the Communications position.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: Beverly Stein []

Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 12:37 PM

To: 'Cylvia Hayes'; 'Duncan Wyse';; 'John Tapogna'; 'WOLF Greg * GOV'

Cc: 'LEE Robert * HCS'; Lauren Beeney

Subject: RE: Conversation with NWAF ALL GOOD!

This is terrific news. I sketched out some thoughts about OS’s role for Melissa to use to get started. These are just my thoughts so it would be great if everyone could review and weigh in with comments and additions. Onward….Bev

PS Lauren in our office will start working on a budget for our part but I am assuming $50,000/per pilot.

From: Cylvia Hayes []

Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:09 AM

To:; Duncan Wyse;; 'John Tapogna'

Cc: 'LEE Robert * HCS'

Subject: Conversation with NWAF ALL GOOD!

Importance: High

OK Team,

I had a conversation with Christianne Lind of NWAF and we are a go with the concept as discussed yesterday. She thinks the half million over three years is a good ball park. We have until April 8th at the absolute latest to get the application in. Earlier would be better for them.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489