From: ROTH Leslie * GOV

Sent: Thu Jan 27 16:00:34 2011

To: Cylvia Hayes

Subject: RE: Phones / Governor's Food Drive

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; 20110127165638.pdf;


Your voice mailbox is all set up. In order to initialize it you will press the voicemail key on your phone. For the first time the password will be 0000 – it will then ask you to change it. Once you change it, it becomes user-friendly and gives you other prompts (see instruction sheet attached).

The light will come on the phone located in the kitchen if you have a new message. The other phones will not indicate a new message by a light – just the kitchen.

Once Mary Rowinski starts I will have her update our manual on all of these items we’ve been going back and forth over for easy reference in the future.

Again, thanks for your patience with me learning along with you!!


From: Cylvia Hayes []

Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 10:31 AM

To: 'ROTH Leslie * GOV'

Subject: RE: Phones / Governor's Food Drive

Greetings Leslie,

We will want a message box on that phone. Also, can you please give me the number for the guard shack?



Cylvia Hayes


(541) 617-9013


From: ROTH Leslie * GOV []

Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 7:10 PM

To: Cylvia Hayes

Subject: Phones / Governor's Food Drive

Hi Cylvia, thanks for your call today. I was dumbfounded we were still having issues with the phones so I called Verizon and met them at Mahonia, did a thorough walk-through and you now have a functioning phone system. Here’s the deal!

Your new personal line, 503-371-7268, is up and running on the first line of your phone. You do NOT need to dial a 9 when you use this line as it is not associated with any state lines. You do not have a voice mailbox attached to this phone (we took down the Ted and Mary voicemail) because I wasn’t sure how often you would be able to check it and thought if someone really needed either one of you they would call your cell phone. Let me know if you prefer to have a voice mailbox on this line and we can set it up remotely.

The other line on your phone is the Guard Shack, but you can use it in a pinch (if someone is on the other line). You WOULD need to dial a 9 as it is a state line.

All of the intercom lines are working – we tested calling each room. You may want these named something else – the Verizon guy has a label gun and can come out and re-label once you get more settled.

Your cordless phones are now working! You must keep the control box plugged in at all times – it is their antenna and is located in the round room upstairs on the second floor. Apparently that is where the reception is best. This had been unplugged – who knew what it was!!

Ed is meeting the carpet cleaners there tomorrow and has been busy fixing the doggy door, etc.

The Governor’s Food Drive starts Tuesday. Since we had an almost complete staff change I do not have a Food Drive Coordinator. I thought Mary might like to take that one to work side-by-side with you on this one. I will talk to her tomorrow about it. Let me know if you would like to arrange a meeting with the statewide coordinator so you can share you vision and see how the two of you would like to work together. See Food Drive Link below:

This is one of three major fundraisers State Employees do. The other two are the Toy Drive and the Charitable Fund Drive.

Hopes this all helps. Talk to you soon.
