From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Thu Mar 28 19:36:27 2013

To: 'Robin Teater'; ''

Subject: RE: Prosperity Project / NWAF / Thorndike

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Makes sense to me. Just let me know if a time comes when I can be of help.

Thanks much,


Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: Robin Teater []

Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 8:26 AM


Cc: Cylvia Hayes

Subject: Re: Prosperity Project / NWAF / Thorndike

Thanks for the clarification, Bill - very helpful and seems like a good approach both for the near term and longer term. -Robin

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 8:06 AM, William Thorndike Jr <> wrote:

Robin: Have a good journey. The early blossoming trees in the Rogue Valley are in full bloom….very colorful. My thinking is it would be best for Gary to meet initially with Robin to build a foundation for understanding what and where ALF-OR has been and where it hopes to go. My view is it is better to keep me and Cylvia on the side line for this element of the building of knowledge. Gary, knows both of us, well. I believe Cylvia’ s Prosperity Project initiative is well positioned to move forward. My hope is that this work positions ALF-OR to be considered for a longer term project probably a year or so out.

I try to be respectful of the pressure Gary and his staff is put under in each of the eight states and multiple native American nations we operate in at NWAF so do not seek to overwhelm him anymore then possible.

Happy Easter….


Ps. Cylvia : Feel free to call me at my office 541.770.1172 if you would like to discuss further.

From: Robin Teater []

Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 6:08 AM

To: Cylvia Hayes


Subject: Re: Prosperity Project / NWAF / Thorndike

Thanks again for the introduction, Bill -I'm keeping April 3 open in case Gary can squeeze me in his schedule, and it would be terrific if you, Cylvia, could join us if it works out. I also bumped into Mike Alexander (almost literally) in North Portland earlier this week and he mentioned he'd met with Gary last week and was very impressed with him (and I gather the feeling was mutual based on Gary's comments back to you, Bill - which is great to hear, since Mike is working harder than anyone I've ever seen trying to right the ship of the Urban League here in Portland...)

Anyway, hoping the connection with Gary happens - I'm sure we'll find a way to talk one way or another even if we don't meet next week.

I'm on the road today for meeting with a senior fellow in Gates (Gary Swanson who wrote a large grant to fund their brand new beautiful fire house/community center) to get some advice on large capacity building grants, and then on to Crook County from there to take care of my mother for a few days while my brother takes a well-deserved break. I'll be checking messages frequently from the road, though - in case Gary checks in about April 3.

Have a wonderful rest of the week, you two!


On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Cylvia Hayes <> wrote:

Greetings Bill,

Thanks so much for the kind words. I left you a voice mail about this but to follow up here, I would be happy to attend that meeting with you and Robin if it would be of use and I can make it work with my schedule.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: William Thorndike Jr []

Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:59 AM

To: Cylvia Hayes


Subject: Prosperity Project / NWAF / Thorndike

Cylvia: It was a privilege to attend the Prosperity event in Grants Pass. I always get recharged when I hear Donna and was pleased to add your energy and background to my rechargeable battery! Based on your ALF update and knowledge that Gary Cunningham, Chief Program Officer for Northwest Area Foundation will be in Portland briefly next week for the Portland Opportunity Initiative I am working to get Robin Teater to work on my “ Educating NWAF about ALF-OR” project by meeting with him, if possible. If not then, in May. I did get Gary with Michael Alexander on his last visit to Portland. It would be great to further the work of NWAF with ALF-OR if we can figure the right fit, along with OBC. The Opportunity Conferences demonstration work should be an interesting approach to see if the metrics can be developed to show sustainable advances in poverty reduction. It is clearly worth developing from my vantage point.

Keep up the good work…..


Class VIII

William "Bill" D. Thorndike, Jr.


Medford Fabrication...CSC, Inc.

1109 Court St.

PO Box 1588

Medford, OR 97501-0244

dd. (541) 770-1172

Cell: (541) 944-8869

CCB # 64008





Robin K. Teater

Executive Director

American Leadership Forum of Oregon

P.O. Box 521

Marylhurst, OR 97036

Ph: 503.636.2288

Fax: 503.636.2293



Joining and strengthening Oregon leaders in order to better serve the public good









Robin K. Teater

Executive Director

American Leadership Forum of Oregon

P.O. Box 521

Marylhurst, OR 97036

Ph: 503.636.2288

Fax: 503.636.2293



Joining and strengthening Oregon leaders in order to better serve the public good