From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Thu Mar 28 19:55:17 2013

To: 'mike green'; 'ROWINSKI Mary E * GOV'; 'MYERS Cheryl L* GOV'

Cc: 'Mike Green'

Subject: RE: Connecting

Importance: Normal


That’s OK, at least you didn’t call me “saliva” – I got a bit of that in grade school. J

Look forward to our conversation.


Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: mike green []

Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 12:09 AM

To: 'ROWINSKI Mary E * GOV'; Cylvia Hayes; 'MYERS Cheryl L* GOV'

Cc: Mike Green

Subject: Re: Connecting

Just noticed the typo. Please forgive my misspelling, First Lady Cylvia Hayes.



From: mike green <>

To: 'ROWINSKI Mary E * GOV' <>; Cylvia Hayes <>; 'MYERS Cheryl L* GOV' <>

Cc: Mike Green <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 11:54 PM

Subject: Re: Connecting

Dear First Lady Calvia Hayes,

I am honored and excited for the opportunity meet with you. I look forward to the discussion at your earliest availability.

Thank you very much.

(And many thanks to you, Cheryl).

Ms. Rowinski, feel free to contact me via cell or email for scheduling.



About Mike Green

Huffington Post Blogger

Twitter: @amikegreen2

Founder, ScaleUp Campaign

Founder, Saving America's Black Boys Campaign and Solutions Summit Series

Co-founder, America21

Mike Green Delivers Keynote at Washington State Convention Center (Sept. 2012; VIDEO)

Mike Green on cover of Oregon Business Magazine (Aug 2012)

My 3-Part Series in The Huffington Post: 3 Ways to Save America's Black Boys

The Washington Post: Black America Needs Angels, Not Superman

Why Black America Creates Virtually No Jobs and What We Can Do About It

Oregonian: "New Age of Black Entrepreneurship"


From: Cylvia Hayes <>

To: 'MYERS Cheryl L* GOV' <>; 'mike green' <>

Cc: 'ROWINSKI Mary E * GOV' <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:34 PM

Subject: RE: Connecting

Thanks Cheryl.

Mike I would be happy to get up to speed with one another. I think the work we are doing through the Oregon Prosperity Initiative, particularly the micro-credit program we are about to roll out. Duane Johnson has been involved with this and it sounds like you are doing important work in that arena.

At your convenience please work with Mary, cc’d above, to set up a meeting.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: MYERS Cheryl L* GOV []

Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:14 PM

To: 'mike green'; ''

Subject: Connecting

Cylvia, Mike: I wanted to introduce two truly amazing and impressive individuals to each other! First Lady is doing fabulous work on any number of projects that could have strong intersections with your engaging efforts, Mike ~ Cylvia, below are a number of links outlining some of Mike’s work.

I’ll step aside and let the connection begin; please let me know if you’ll be in the metro-area any time, Mike – would love to see you and catch up.



Cheryl Myers

Director of Economic & Business Equity [D/MWESB]

Office of Governor John Kitzhaber

About Mike Green

Huffington Post Blogger

Twitter: @amikegreen2

Mike Green Delivers Keynote at Washington State Convention Center (Sept. 2012; VIDEO)

Mike Green on cover of Oregon Business Magazine (Aug 2012)

My 3-Part Series in The Huffington Post: 3 Ways to Save America's Black Boys

The Washington Post: Black America Needs Angels, Not Superman

Why Black America Creates Virtually No Jobs and What We Can Do About It

Oregonian: "New Age of Black Entrepreneurship"