
Sent: Tue Jan 25 10:56:09 2011

To: Cylvia Hayes

Subject: Re: New Summary of Conference and Timeline

Importance: Normal


I think that makes a lot of sense! Thanks! Mike

----- Original Message -----

From: "Cylvia Hayes" <>

To: "Michael Rosen" <>, "Anna Berardi" <>

Cc: "SueMarshall" <>, "Bob Sallinger" <>, "John Waller" <>, "April Ann Fong" <>, "Ariana Longanecker" <>, "Anna Brones" <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 10:09:18 AM

Subject: RE: New Summary of Conference and Timeline


Greetings All,


Here's my input. I think the ban the bag and tar sands overviews should

come after we get an update on the GC. I am wondering if we should start

the event with a moving remembrance of the spill -- video, emotion-evoking

photos, etc. -- sort of re-grounding people about the severity of the

catastrophe. Then key note. Then update on current status in GC.


Then make a pivot to why it's important to us here on the Pacific Coast and

what we can do about it. Ban the Bag and Tar Sands would fall in there.


Let me know what you think. I am working on revised sponsorship language

right now.




Cylvia Hayes



(541) 617-9013





-----Original Message-----

From: Michael Rosen []

Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 9:49 PM

To: Anna Berardi

Cc: SueMarshall; Cylvia Hayes; Bob Sallinger; John Waller; April Ann Fong;

Ariana Longanecker; Anna Brones

Subject: New Summary of Conference and Timeline


Hi All:


I thought Friday's meeting was great! Many thanks to Cylvia for hosting and

feeding us!!!


Here's a new summary of the anniversary conference and a draft timeline. I

prepared this for Cylvia but would appreciate any and all feedback.



