From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Fri Mar 29 18:33:22 2013

To: 'Beverly Stein'; 'WOLF Greg * GOV'

Cc: 'Duncan Wyse'; 'Melissa Rowe'

Subject: RE: prosperity initiative proposal

Importance: Normal


I’d like some discussion about tying this to the RACS.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: Beverly Stein []

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 4:08 PM

To: Cylvia Hayes; WOLF Greg * GOV

Cc: Duncan Wyse; Melissa Rowe

Subject: Re: prosperity initiative proposal

Greg, See email thread below. I think you may have some input about an appropriate second region for the Prosperity Initiative regions as we want to tie them up with the RACs. Is there a region where workforce/jobs linkage is a priority of the RAC or a RAC that you think would be particularly interested?

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Cylvia Hayes <> wrote:

What about Coos / Curry areas? Certainly huge issues there.


Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: Beverly Stein []

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 1:31 PM

To: Cylvia Hayes

Cc: Duncan Wyse; Melissa Rowe


Subject: Re: prosperity initiative proposal

I agree. I'm thinking, not surprisingly, the Metro area is very complicated and us jumping in without more groundwork will end up with duplications, hurt feelings, etc. including NWAF perceived funding overlaps. So my proposal is for us to select 2 regions out of the Metro area, do our assessments to choose segments to focus on in consultation with the RACs and indicate that we will assess the lay of the land for a Metro project in Year 2.


Sent from my iPhone


On Mar 29, 2013, at 12:27 PM, Cylvia Hayes <> wrote:

I think we need to be very careful about turf and overlap issues here.


Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: Beverly Stein []

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 12:25 PM

To: 'Duncan Wyse'; 'Melissa Rowe'

Cc: 'Cylvia Hayes'

Subject: RE: prosperity initiative proposal

I just got Sandi McDonough excited and wouldn’t want to abandon them at this point. We need to decide this right away.

From: Duncan Wyse []

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 12:08 PM

To: Melissa Rowe; Beverly Stein

Cc: Cylvia Hayes

Subject: RE: prosperity initiative proposal

I talked with Bill Thorndike about the project. He likes the idea, and will be the lead for Southern Oregon. He agreed that Ron Fox at Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development Inc (SOREDI) would be a good partner.

I have a call in to Ron.

Regarding Portland, Bill mentioned that NWAF already has project with the PDC that sounds somewhat similar. He wonders if a project in rural Oregon, especially connected with Native Americans wouldn’t be a good alternative. I know time is short – one idea would be to confirm Southern Oregon for the first year, with the intend of adding another community in the second.



From: Melissa Rowe []

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 9:51 AM

To: Beverly Stein

Cc: Cylvia Hayes; Duncan Wyse

Subject: Re: prosperity initiative proposal

I am in touch with Christianne at NWAF; would you like me to ask if this type of flexible budget would be acceptable to them?

I'll work with OBC on the organization budget and financial documents we need. Christianne also stressed that the project budget needs to include any other sources of funding (including in-kind) to support the work.

Thanks for the material from PBA. I will work it in. Duncan, were you going to connect with Southern Oregon folks about potential partners for that project?


971-285-5529 (cell)

On Mar 29, 2013, at 8:14 AM, Beverly Stein wrote:

I am working on this budget and should get some kind of draft to you today. I think we can come in well under $100,000 even including time for me to provide support to the Steering Team and some general oversight to the project. We would need to include money for ECO for the assessments which I will not include in our budget. One of the key questions I have is if we can propose a budget for the two pilots for the first year, Cylvia’s communications/case study person for 3 years and reserve the rest of the money either to help with specific implementation steps after the Declaration of Cooperation for the pilots or decide to expand the pilots to more regions. One good thing for the Metro pilot is that it appears that PBA has money and can get more for the implementation phase after the DOC and can commit to leading the work forward after the DOC. Not sure about southern Oregon. My inclination is to say that part of the DOC will be to identify a group and funding to carry the projects forward and to use our money to move to more regions.

From: Melissa Rowe []

Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:53 PM

To: Beverly Stein

Subject: Re: prosperity initiative proposal

Hi Bev,

Could you send me the notes you distributed at our meeting on Tuesday?

Yes, I will circulate questions before our call. A budget question for you at this point: are you thinking $50K per pilot for just the first year, perhaps with a smaller budget for possible subsequent projects in years 2-3?



On Mar 28, 2013, at 1:03 PM, Beverly Stein wrote:

Cylvia, Could you get your scheduler to organize a conference call for you, me, Melissa, John, and Duncan to talk about the proposal for next Thursday or Friday?

Melissa, I think you should circulate questions if you have them before that to get us thinking.

From: Melissa Rowe []

Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 11:58 AM

To: Beverly Stein

Subject: Re: prosperity initiative proposal

Yes, I am already making a list of questions, and I want to make sure all the key people have a chance to be involved in the process. I know NWAF's preference would be to receive it before April 8, but that require quite a push. John Svicarovich's involvement was also mentioned; I'm going to try to connect with Duncan to ask if/how he wants to involve John (I could either see the proposal through to the end, with John S. giving feedback, or hand the whole thing off to him at some point--either is fine with me).

My current schedule next week is to be in the office Tues, Thurs, and Fri. What if I had a draft ready to distribute by Wednesday morning, with a call to discuss the draft first thing on Thursday, if that worked for everyone?


On Mar 28, 2013, at 11:41 AM, Beverly Stein wrote:

I’m thinking we should schedule a call for the group that met with Cylvia to go over the proposal. You are bound to have questions. What do you think? Mid or late next week?

From: Melissa Rowe []

Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:08 PM

To: Beverly Stein

Subject: prosperity initiative proposal

Hi Bev,

Just to keep you in the loop: I had a few questions about the grant application materials (e.g., which "organization" sections should be about OS and which should be about OBC); Cylvia gave me the go ahead to connect with Christianne so I sent her an email. I'll let you know what kind of info we need about OS based on her response.

Do you have a sense of when the project would officially begin? From the NWAF website it looks like they award grants all throughout the year.


Melissa Rowe

Policy Analyst


222 SW Columbia, Suite 1600, Portland, OR 97201

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Melissa Rowe

Policy Analyst


222 SW Columbia, Suite 1600, Portland, OR 97201

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Melissa Rowe

Policy Analyst


222 SW Columbia, Suite 1600, Portland, OR 97201

Direct 503.200.5093 | Main 503.222.6060 |

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Melissa Rowe

Policy Analyst


222 SW Columbia, Suite 1600, Portland, OR 97201

Direct 503.200.5093 | Main 503.222.6060 |

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Beverly Stein,Oregon Solutions Director

P: 503-725-9095