From: Michael Rosen

Sent: Wed Jan 26 04:39:14 2011

To: Cylvia Hayes

Cc: 'Anna Berardi'; 'SueMarshall'; 'Bob Sallinger'; 'John Waller'; 'April Ann Fong'; 'Ariana Longanecker'; 'Anna Brones'

Subject: Re: New Summary of Conference and Timeline

Importance: Normal

Attachments: mr edits Funder Invitation Letter PDX2GulfCoast -- 1-24-11 (01).doc; Untitled attachment 01434.txt

Hi All:

I took Cylvia' s awesome revision, with Anna' s excellent additions and added to it as well. I tried to bolster the why should Oregonians care - but not sure how successful I was. Thanks to you all - this is looking really good - and inspiring!
