From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Sat Mar 30 12:42:27 2013

To: 'CAROL Dan * GOV'

Cc: 'ROBINHOLD Curtis * GOV'; 'HOFFMANN Margi * GOV'; 'NELSON Scott * GOV'

Subject: RE: followup items from meeting with Governor Kitzhaber

Importance: Normal


Greetings Dan,

Do you think the EERE Clean Energy Manufacturing efforts might provide opportunities to offer economic development alternatives to the communities considering coal exports? I keep coming back to the need to not just say no without having something else to consider.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: CAROL Dan * GOV []

Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:51 AM

To: 'Cylvia Hayes'


Subject: FW: followup items from meeting with Governor Kitzhaber

Here is the integrated follow up on EERE.

Will let you know what if anything trickles in.

We have connected Skip Rung and Lisa Schwartz to start planning on the big DOE clean energy manufacturing grant…

From: CAROL Dan * GOV

Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:46 AM

To: ''; ''

Cc: ''; HOFFMANN Margi * GOV; SCHWARTZ Lisa C; 'NELSON Scott * GOV'

Subject: followup items from meeting with Governor Kitzhaber


Thanks again for your engagement at NGA with our Governor and First Lady. It was good to meet with you and Kerry.

A few items to flag from our state/region:

1-Clean Energy Manufacturing (Go EERE!): We are starting to gather together various interested parties in our state and also assess whether we can best approach this regionally. On that, we have a second WA-OR regional scoping session coming up mid-April so if there are any items or issues to give voice to then on this or other topics, let us know? In the meantime we will look for the technical assistance guidance… J

2-Northwest Regional Infrastructure Pilot Meets EERE Integrated Deployment Vision?: As you may know, we are hosting a DOI/OMB detailee pertaining to the President’s March 2012 EO 13604 per the recent White House announcement on Feb 25th. Once we get this process stood up a bit more, I know our team would be interested in exploring other innovative ideas tied to “integrated deployment”. Let us know how best we might start to scope that out with you?

3-NGA policy academies: Sue Gander of NGA shared with us their proposal for deepening the work linking clean energy deployment and economic development. We also have a JIAC grant from EDA here focused on clean energy workforce. So we are game to keep integrating this work in some fashion, and so we are supportive of Sue’s ideas.

4-Infrastructure: Let us know who on your staff would be interested in getting a brief on our West Coast Infrastructure Exchange ( Things here are ramping up and lots of good overlap with energy projects are on the horizon.

5-Data Sharing: David mentioned your keen focus on data-driven policy, especially with regards to efficiency and deployment. I am not sure if there is a specific next step here but have added our energy policy lead Margi Hoffman and our ODOE director Lisa Schwartz who along with folks from Energy Trust, Clean Energy Works Oregon and others out here, are as geeky as they get in developing market-making data. J

6-CGI America: are you all headed out here in mid-June? I think a lot of the “made in America” thematics and proposals will be in play at that time, so we would be game to chat through ways to leverage the event as a rally point for a lot of smart work.