From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Mon Apr 01 11:43:38 2013

To: 'LEE Robert * HCS'

Subject: RE: Writer Teleconference

Importance: Normal




Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: LEE Robert * HCS []

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 11:42 AM

To: Cylvia Hayes

Subject: RE: Writer Teleconference


Would you be able to tentatively hold 11:00-11:30 on Wednesday? Awaiting confirmation from the writer.

Much appreciated,


From: Cylvia Hayes []

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 11:15 AM

To: 'LEE Robert * HCS'

Subject: RE: Writer Teleconference

Hmm, OK, given that time is so short, let’s just have the writer get rolling on this with the two new visions/ what’s missing documents as guidance. I have pretty good availability on Thursday and Friday. I could squeeze a call in on Wednesday after 10am.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: LEE Robert * HCS []

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 9:38 AM


Subject: Writer Teleconference

Importance: High


Just spoke with Karen, and left a voice mail for Mary…it looks as though the consulting writer is unable to do a teleconference today due to travel, but are available on Tuesday.

I know you are already booked solid on Tuesday, and wanted to inquire whether you have any time available on Wednesday. We wanted to have a teleconference as soon as possible to allow them sufficient time to work their magic, and give us time to do any “second revisions” as necessary.

Karen pointed out the visioning documents both of you developed over the weekend and was wondering about the necessity with all the supporting documents.

If you feel this is still necessary, please advise if there are any times on Tuesday or Wednesday that would work for you!

Highest regards,


Robert E. Lee, MPA

Oregon Prosperity Coordinator

Operations & Policy Analyst

Policy, Strategy & Community Engagement

Oregon Housing and Community Services

725 Summer St. NE, Suite B

Salem, OR 97301-2100

Phone: (503) 986-0983

"It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped."

- Hubert Humphrey