From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Thu Apr 04 20:41:31 2013

To: 'Patricia Gouveia'


Subject: RE: Poverty Initiative Proposal

Importance: Normal


Greetings Patricia,

I would be happy to hear more about this. Please work with Mary, cc’d above, to set up a call.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: Patricia Gouveia []

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 1:05 PM

To: Cylvia Hayes

Subject: Poverty Initiative Proposal

Cylvia, we have been woking on many projects since you last visited ORCCA. There is one in particular that I think may be of interest in your work with the Poverty Initiative. I have been working with a community partner, Crossroads Community Cafe on a proposal they are developing. FYI, Crossroads Cafe is located in downtown North Bend. They are a nonprofit neighborhood establishment featuring homestyle meals in a warm, friendly environment for $1.50. Their objective is to ease the burden of food insecurity and social isolation for the homeless and those living in poverty while providing an environment that neighbors of all income levels are welcome and encouraged to eat together.

As part of their capacity building initiative, they are looking to expand their outreach into the community. They are working towards developing a jobs training program for women living in poverty. The program would train a select number of participants to develop a prepared food business under the Crossroads banner. Participants would work with and be trained by volunteers in the community. In this program, participants would learn meal preparation, cooking, budgeting, ordering, sales and a host of other skills. The intent is to develop a program that will provide living wage jobs for these women while meeting a need in the community.Crossroads has already been approached to take over the Meals on Wheels program.

Crossroads believe that community participation is critical to end the cycle of poverty that we are experiencing in our community. To that end, an important step in this process is to begin a conversation with community members on actions that we can take to end this cycle. Susan Fox, the Executive Director of Crossroads Community Cafe would like to invite you to participate in that conversation.

I hope this brief description sparks your interests in their proposal. I would be happy to arrange a conversation with Susan to provide you with more indepth information. I believe that this is just what the Poverty Initiative is speaking to and I believe your participation with other leading women in our community would give this project the lift off it deserves.

Thank you for focusing attention on such an important issue.

Patricia Gouveia

Oregon Coast Community Action
