From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Wed Apr 10 20:20:00 2013


Subject: RE: April and May schedules with options

Importance: Normal


I can’t do it on May 22nd.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: ROWINSKI Mary E * GOV []

Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 3:46 PM

To: ''

Subject: FW: April and May schedules with options

What do you think? You will be in Medford/Klamath Falls on May 22nd. Should I try to book another date?

From: CS Greenwood []

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 8:46 AM

To: Mary Rowinksi

Cc: Charles Greenwood

Subject: April and May schedules with options

Good Morning Mary,

We have a few options for you and wanted to relay new info. with schedules for April and May.

Several national and international television crews will be booking dates with the HumanCar project, one of which is a Discovery Channel crew targeting the May 22nd timeframe to shoot.

We though you may wish to have an option with this, the format would be the very same demonstration in Salem, this time with an international TV crew. It's positive and intelligent PR; we would can provide a demo for you, Cylvia and anyone else whom may be interested in a short lap in the Imagine PS (attached).

April has several large off-site engineering conferences and projects which Charles is speaking at and working with.

( As well as what appears to be an extended weather cycle )

Thank you very much in advance and please let us know your collective thoughts on the third week in May. The weather and press components may be worth the wait.

Have a great weekend,

Chuck Greenwood

HumanCar Inc. CEO



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