From: Cylvia Hayes

Sent: Fri Apr 12 21:04:21 2013

To: 'Pamela Mason'


Subject: RE: did you get my voice message about scheduling challenge

Importance: Normal


Greetings Pamela,

OK, we are going to have to schedule my presentation for the July 11th as I cannot get back from my DC commitments in time for the June Portlandia event.  So sorry.  I look forward to meeting you all in July.


Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489

From: Pamela Mason []

Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 3:46 PM

To: 'Cylvia Hayes'


Subject: RE: did you get my voice message about scheduling challenge

Hi Cylvia,

Although our first choice would be for you to speak on June 6, July 11 would also work for us. So, if indeed you do need to travel to Washington DC in June, July will be fine.

How soon will you know for sure that June 6 will NOT work for you? It would work best for us if we know by April 22, (2 weeks from today.)

I am attaching a form that asks for some additional information about your presentation. Please complete it and return it to us by April 22 if you are speaking in June, or May 20 if you are speaking in July.

Some additional information from us:

We will be buying your lunch on the day of your presentation and need to know if you have any special dietary requests. You are welcome to bring one guest/support person with you and we will also treat them to lunch and need dietary information about them as well.

You are welcome to have a PowerPoint presentation as part of your talk, and if you plan that, please let us know so that we can have the projector set up and the screen ready.

We are so grateful to you for volunteering to speak to Portlandia Club, and that you are working on ending poverty in our state.

Thank you,


Pamela Mason

Program Services Director

Dress for Success Oregon

1532 B NE 37th Ave.

Portland, OR 97232-1844

503-249-7300 My home office is 503-643-5936 and that is the best place to reach me.

The mission of the Professional Women's Group is to provide our network of employed Dress for Success women the partnership of support, practical information and inspiration to achieve self-defined success in career and life.

From: Cylvia Hayes []

Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 7:58 AM



Subject: did you get my voice message about scheduling challenge

Greetings Pamela,

Did you receive my message about my conflict on June 6th? I am very much hoping to be able to reschedule for another time without causing too much trouble on your end. There is still a small chance the 6th might work and I am trying to run that down but I wanted to give you a heads up.



Cylvia Hayes

First Lady of Oregon

(503) 373-7489