From: Sally Eliason

Sent: Wed Mar 16 16:26:02 2011

To: Cylvia Hayes

Cc: Patti Whitney-wise

Subject: Re: Summer Food Roadshow

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Cylvia Hayes Talking Points.doc; Untitled attachment 00013.htm;


Hi Cylvia,

We have schedule 15 minutes for you to speak. We'll start the summit at 10:00 and have you speak at 10:15. We have schedule 15 minutes for you to speak and have not scheduled time for Q & A. From 10:00 to 10:15 I'll welcome the participants and talk about child hood hunger in Oregon (this will include some data and the role federal meal programs play). I have attached some talking points but please speak from your experience and perspective. If you need additional information of any sort for your speech just let me know.


The audience will be comprised of folks who understand how important these programs are to kids and communities. We are hoping this opening section inspires them to continue to serve their communities and recognize their role. I think they'll appreciate your connection to Central Oregon as well.


Please let me know if you have additional questions or concerns, we have not released the agenda yet and still have flexibility. Thank you for your help!