Oregon Records Management Solution

Quick Searches

The Quick Search function can be used for a simple title word or title phrase search. To search the Content Manager database using quick search:

  • Type the title word or words to search for in the quick search text box
  • Click Quick Search

A list of records matching your search terms is displayed.

Simple Searches

A Simple Search can be done by selecting a single search method from the search screen. To perform a simple search:

  • In the top SEARCH BY selector, click on the drop-down button and select a search method
  • Any Word – any word in either the Title field or the Notes field for a record
  • Notes Word – any word in the Record Notes field
  • Title Word – any word in the Title field for a record
  • Title (Free Text Part) - an exact match search of the Title field for a record
  • Document Content – text contained in any text-based file attached to a record
  • Date Created – the date in the Created Date field for a record
  • Electronic Document Type – selects records based on the file format, e.g. mp3
  • Record Number – the number assigned when the record is entered in the system
  • Type the text you wish to search for in the equal to text box
  • Click Search

Using Wildcard Characters to Search for Partial Titles

The word index does not separate out words connected with an underscore. The SQL word index treats “This_is_a_test_document” as a single string, not as five separate words.

In order to search for a record with a title using the aforementioned naming convention using only part of the full title, one would need to make use of the wildcard character.

Using the search method “Title (Free Text Part)” will allow the user to place the wildcard character at both the beginning and end of the search string.

Searching for “This_is_a_test_document” will return 0 results

Searching for “document” will also return 0 results

Making use of the wildcard character , a search for “document” will return the record we are looking for.

Other examples:

Example #1: An imprecise or incomplete search will retrieve results as long as the wildcard character is entered between each word. The most results may be retrieved by the following search consisting of known keywords:

Title (Free Text Part) =1981*2030

Example #2: A search for “1981 HB 2030” returns no results. Instead, insert an underscore ( _) between words, and also insert a wildcard character ( * ) at the end of the search string, so “1981_HB_2030*”

Please use this as a guide for searching for records that do not contain spaces between individual words or strings of numbers.

Advanced Searches

Advanced searches combine multiple search methods. This is achieved by using the AND and OR options in the Advanced Search section of the search screen.

To search the Content Manager database using an advanced search:

  • In the Search By list, click on the drop-down button to select a search method. You may select up to three types of search methods in the standard search page supplied with WebDrawer.
  • For each search method you select, type the text you wish to search for in the equal to text box.
  • Click AND if the results of the search must contain all your search terms.
  • Click OR if you would like to display records which contain at least one of your search terms.
  • In the Sort By list, optionally click on the drop-down button to select a field to sort by. Click the Descending check box next to the sort criteria if you wish to sort by that criteria in descending order. You can choose up to three sort criteria to sort results by.
  • Click Search

Searching by Range

Some types of search allow you to search by ranges. Use the word 'to' to designate a range of values.

For example searching by Date Created 9/10/2012 to 27/04/2013. This search returns all the records in the range including the dates specified.

Searching by Date

When searching by date either use a region agnostic format (e.g. YYYYMMDD) or the format specified in the Content Manager client. In fact the search date parser is fairly flexible and will interpret dates as best it can. Some examples:

  • 24/04/2014 and 04/24/2014 will always parse to the 24th of April 2014, irrespective of your date format settings
  • 04/05/2014 will parse to the 4th of May 2014 if your date settings are dd/mm/yyyy and the 5th of April 2014 if your date settings are mm/dd/yyyy

Saving Search Criteria

After performing a successful search it is possible to save the search as a bookmark. When you reload this bookmark in your Web browser the Content Manager WebDrawer server will perform the search and return the search results as if you had entered the search from the search page.

Browsing Results

When the results of a search are displayed, use the links embedded in the page to browse for more information.

For example, a successful search may return multiple pages of records.

To check the next page of records:

  • Use the page navigator at the bottom of the list to choose a page number or the next/previous page.
  • Click on the item in the list to see more information.

Viewing electronic documents

To view an electronic document or file:

  • Click on the record title to open the Record details
  • Use the 'View / Download' menu to either view the document as HTML or download the document.

A viewed document can only be displayed. WebDrawer does not update the Content Manager database, or change the location of the file when you view it via WebDrawer. You cannot return edited documents to the Content Manager database through the WebDrawer interface.